Exercise Is Essential In Addiction Recovery

Recovering from alcohol or drug addiction is a challenging process that requires extensive support. While traditional treatment methods focus on therapy and medication, it’s also important to incorporate regular exercise into your recovery plan. Physical activity has many benefits and will explore those today on the White House Jujitsu blog. 

If You Need Rehab

If you’ve already tried to recover on your own and found it a challenge you weren’t quite ready to tackle solo, consider entering a rehab center. Rehab can help you avoid early-recovery relapses, and there are many drug rehabilitation centers throughout Florida that come with credentials and certifications to treat your specific addiction. Look for the best rehab facilities in the state, with great reviews that allow you to recover with the support you need from your friends and family.

Benefits Of Exercise

Exercise plays a role in helping you reclaim your physical health, which is probably something that you let go of in the midst of your addiction. Regular physical activity can help you recover as you rebuild your strength, improve cardiovascular fitness, and gain a sense of vitality. Exercise also has psychological benefits that extend far beyond more flexible muscles.

One of the most important roles that exercise plays in your recovery is giving you routine and structure. One of the main challenges you might face during recovery is filling the void left by your addictive behaviors. Exercise can give you the structure and routine to help you create a new daily regimen that you can look forward to instead of the experience of using drugs or alcohol.

Types Of Exercise

There are many different ways to exercise, and what you choose should be based on everything from your budget to your current fitness level. Just a few to consider include:

Non-Gym Fitness

Not everyone has the money to join a gym. If you find that the thought of a $100 monthly membership stretches you too thin, look for ways to sneak exercise during a normal day. You might, for example, take a walk on your lunch break or use the stairs in lieu of the escalator or elevator. You can also play sports with the kids or simply walk around your neighborhood. And depending on where you live, you may be able to use your local school’s playground as a public park – NPR notes that some elementary schools in Florida have intentionally opened as public spaces after school hours.

Martial Arts

Martial arts is beneficial to adults and children alike for a number of reasons. In addition to physical fitness, martial arts is also highly structured, which can help strengthen your new routine. White House BJJ offers adult classes five days per week so you can exercise, create a fitness community, and let your muscles rest on the weekends.


Bicycling is not just for children. In fact, even adults that have never learned can quickly hop on two wheels and peddle their way through recovery. Bicycling.com recommends that you first find the right fit and then learn how to get on and off the bike and manage the brakes before you start moving forward.

If you’re in the early stages of your recovery, you should know that it’s possible. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. exercise alone may not be the only thing that keeps you clean and sober, but it will help. Before you jump into a new program, however, make sure that you’re ready. Consider going to an alcohol or drug treatment program and then look for exercises that make sense to you. This could be anything from taking a walking lunch break to joining a martial arts class or learning how to ride a bike for the first time. No matter what you do, stick with it and know that every bead of sweat puts you further away from active addiction.

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